trading 10$ to $6000 in 30Days -Trading challenge (day 1)
hello traders i will be doing a 30 days challenge whereby we will be growing a 10$ account to 6000$ in 30 days.in this challenge we will be aiming more on daily target and if we get cutout on the way ;tell god i am trying to hustle remember in trading age does not matter,or if u started trading first doesn't mean u will make it first,u should work backtest those strategy u are using and work more on real accounts dont forcus more on demo accounts and be on a live chart and keep on backtesting ur strategy on different pair or u can forcus on 1 pair and trade it ,as for me i like volotile pairs either u make money or Money make u if u are interested in the challenge hit me up on tiktok:human_robot_trader and if u are in the group i give u all free signal and sl,lots,tp of trades u take and if we make it out in the 30 days challenge i get my 20% share and u keep the rest.and remember this is a challenge try it out u dont know what life will give u.life is about trying and dont be afraid to fail , everyone does.i am not proving anything to anyone,just show u that in this life u have the power to try and to stand for your life and dont be afraid to take risk i am experienced trader , check my analysis on tiktok and see urself,i mean who starts without a plan??? smashed that subscribe bottom or maybe join me on the 30 days challenge i will give u daily target everyday i am not here for business neither am i afraid to fail,u fail u get up my name is :humanrobot @SAIGEx @forexcomrade #trading #trader