🔴Live | கைகளின் வல்லமை | Sunday 9:00 AM Service | Melchiz Spurgeon
ACA - Kolathur Ministries Welcomes you, We are happy to share our church services in YouTube. We believe that the services of our church are of a great blessing to you. Subscribe to our channel to be notified every time we upload a video. GOD BLESS YOU. Follow us on social media for more updates! Facebook: / acakolathur Instagram: / aca_kolathur If you have any prayer request or any queries kindly contact us to Call/ Whatsapp: +91 9444219121 Our Sunday Services: 1st Service - 6:30 am 2nd Service - 9:00 am English Service - 11:30 am (Live on English Church YouTube Channel @RemnantChurchACAKM) Evening Service - 6:30 pm For offering, our bank details: A/C Name: APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY, KOLATHUR MINISTRIES A/C NO: 19680 10000 7344 Bank: Bank of Baroda Branch: Kolathur Branch IFSC Code: BARB0KOLATH (5th Character is 'ZERO') UPI ID : pastorkdaniel@okhdfcbank 📍Our Church Address: Google map : https://goo.gl/maps/wW9J9Vu6pA36vu8w7 No: 2-5, Church Street, Selvi nagar, Dhanrajpuram, Kolathur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600099 #ACAKolathurMinistries #PrKDaniel #melchizspurgeon #ChristianWorship #tamilchristianworship