You are the Luckiest Person Alive 🍀 Subliminal Sleep Hypnosis ✨ Theta 4Hz Meditation Music
Human Voice Recorded Subliminal Affirmations (Main Layer Normal Speed, Subliminal Layers Sped 2x, 10x, 100x, 1000x, and 10,000x for over 1 million repetitions) The Affirmations: You are the luckiest person alive You are the luckiest person alive Why are you the luckiest person alive? Why are you the luckiest person alive? Why are you so lucky? You are so lucky Good things happen to you wherever you go As soon as you desire something, it’s already yours Everything always works in your favor You’re the luckiest person that you know Everyone’s always telling you how lucky you are You’ve always been lucky Everyone has always said how lucky you are You have the type of luck that people dream about Isn’t it so amazing? You’re the luckiest person ever You’re literally the luckiest person alive Crackling Fireplace 🔥 and Theta 4Hz Binary Beats Song: Piano Dreamcloud MeditationNaturesEye Music by Leigh Robinson from Pixabay Rain Only Version:    • You are the Luckiest Person Alive 🍀 R...  Spoken Affirmations Version:    • You are the Luckiest Person Alive 🍀✨ ...  Affirmations help create new thought patterns, also known as reprogramming your subconscious. The more you repeat phrases or affirm, the more change you will see and feel. This video is a tool to help you manifest the version of you and the life you wish to have. Feel free to play this video on loop or play as you sleep (yes it is okay if you fall asleep -- you will still reprogram). Please do not listen when driving or operating heavy machinery. Best results in the morning when you first wake, or when going to bed. Be sure to come back and repeat the phrases daily at the very least for 30 days. ✨✨✨ DEEP THETA [4 Hz] BINAURAL BEATS | Meditation Music for Sleep 🌙 ✨ Law of Assumption | Neville Goddard | 🦉11:11 🦉Sleep Subliminal | Self Concept Subliminal What are Robotic Affirmations? Robotic affirmations are mindlessly repeated affirmations that saturate the subconscious mind through the power of repetition. Do they work? YES! Listen to these subliminal robotic affirmations on a loop, while sleeping or awake. If awake, try saying them in your mind. While you are going about your day, continue to repeat the robotic affirmations. This will keep negative thoughts from entering your mind. People see massive results from robotic affirmations! It can take a couple weeks, a few days, of a few hours! It depends on the individual, their mindset, and their ability to stay consistent and persistent and not waver with their thoughts. For best results, listen to these audios while falling asleep and loop overnight. Owl Subliminals Creates and Uploads Subliminal Askfirmations & Affirmations with Binaural Beats and Relaxing Meditation Music or Nature Sounds for Sleep, Using the Law of Assumption, Law of Attraction and Universal Principles of Manifestation. Subscribe Today! All of Our Subliminals are Recorded by a Human Voice and Looped throughout the Entire Video for Maximum Effect. What are Subliminals? Subliminals are messages that are hidden within audio content, designed to bypass the conscious mind and reach the subconscious. They can help reprogram the mind and change our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Why Use Theta Binaural Beats? Theta waves (3-8 Hz) reduce anxiety and chronic pain, and also activate and optimize the body and mind's natural self-healing processes. They are also associated with dreaming, short-term memory, and a meditative state. What are Askfirmations? An Askfirmation is a positive present-tense question that you pose to the universe. No need to find the answer! The universe will work in the same magical way and answer for you. Disclaimer: This recording should not be used as a substitute for any medical care you may be receiving. You should always refer to a doctor when necessary. Do not listen while driving or operating machinery, only listen in a place where you can relax and let go. Royalty free videos, music and images from Videvo, Pixabay and Unsplash. subliminal sleep programming,subliminal affirmations,subliminal for good luck,good luck subliminal,luck subliminal sleep,luck subliminal listen once,luck subliminal powerful,attract luck while sleeping,attract luck subliminal,meta luck subliminal,subliminal for meta luck,law of assumption,lucky girl syndrome music,law of assumption robotic affirmations,law of assumption subliminal,sleep hypnosis,sleep hypnosis lucky girl syndrome,sleep hypnosis lucky #luckysyndromesubliminal #subliminalaffirmations #sleephypnosis #lawofassumption #subliminal #selfconcept #subconsciousmind #subliminalaffirmations #nevillegoddard