Holy Mass Daily Readings and Reflection - September 7, 2022, | Daily Gospel Today Reflection | Luke
Holy Mass Daily Readings and Reflection - September 7, 2022, | Daily Gospel Today Reflection | Luke Wednesday of the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time 1st Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:25-31 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17 The Acclamation: Luke 6:23AB Gospel: Luke 6:20-26 Personal Reflection Today’s Reflection on the Readings Prayer Personal Reflection What blessings do I have today? What admirable deed will I carry out today to make someone who is a downtrodden or broken smile? Today’s Reflection on the Readings WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER Jesus’ Beatitudes are a decisive message which urges us not to place our trust in material and fleeting things, not to seek happiness by following smoke vendors — who are often vendors of death — experts in illusion. We should not follow them because they are unable to give us hope. May the Lord help us open our eyes to acquire a more penetrating view of reality, to heal the chronic shortsightedness with which the worldly spirit infects us. With his paradoxical Word, he stirs us and enables us to recognize what truly enriches us, satisfies us, gives us joy and dignity; in other words, what truly gives meaning and fullness to our lives. What comes to mind as I ponder about today's text is that others around us seem to believe that the more we own or amass, the higher the measure of blessings. But it's not like that; according to the Christian way of thinking, we must always remember that material possessions cannot accompany us into the hereafter. Instead, we only keep what we have given away, even if it was just a cup of water distributed in Jesus' name (Matthew 10:42). Every one of the Beatitudes enables us to progress from our frail and human state to one of blessing. Prayer All of creation praises and thanks you, O God of Grandeur, Might, and Majesty, as it tells of the wonders of your glory. Lord, thank you for the instructions from the apostle Paul telling us to be holy in body and soul and to give ourselves over for your pleasure. Lord, please help us to be happy in the circumstances you have given us. Lord, kindly assist us in sharing your Truth and speaking about it while demonstrating our loyalty by following your commands and embracing your plans for our lives. May almighty God bless us, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I thank all my subscribers for your constant support of this channel. If you like the content I am sharing, subscribe to this channel and experience peace and joy and faithful friendship in your life and with your family. Please subscribe to our channel / mothermarysprotection Please comment below your prayers and needs. We will pray for you. --------------------------------------------------------- mother mary's protection,catholic daily mass reflection,catholic daily mass readings book,catholic daily mass readings,catholic daily mass readings 2022,catholic daily mass readings app,catholic daily mass readings book,catholic daily mass readings Canada ,catholic daily mass readings today,daily catholic readings ,daily mass readings and reflections,today's catholic mass readings and reflections,mass readings reflections,catholic mass reading,mass readings for today #mothermarysprotection #todaysgospelreading #todaysgospelreflection