Resident Evil 6 - Ada Wong Chapter 3 Serpent Emblems guide
Don't Forget To Like & Subscribe My YouTube Channel @soulsticebriarandlute #residentevil #residentevil6 #adawong #playstation3 #playstation4 #playstation5 #xbox360 #xboxone #pc There are total of 80 Serpent Emblems in Leon,Chris,Jake,Ada Ada Wong Campaign Chapter 3 Serpent Emblems 9. Serpent Emblem - At the first half of the Night Market. Check the third stall on the left. 10. Serpent Emblem - in the second half of Night Market. Turn right where the 3 corpses are. 11. Serpent Emblem - When the bus stops, check the scaffolding for an emblem. 12. Serpent Emblem - After leaving the train, check past the unbreakable box under the stairs.