O Come All Ye Faithful - Epic Flash Mob Carol #LIGHTtheWORLD | The Five Strings

O Come All Ye Faithful - Epic Flash Mob Carol #LIGHTtheWORLD | The Five Strings

GET THE SHEET MUSIC HERE!! https://bit.ly/2kunotN ►Have you seen our new Christmas Flash Mob??    • Silent Night in 4 Languages - Christm...   ►Subscribe to our Channel Here! https://www.youtube.com/c/thefivestri... Follow us on: FACEBOOK -   / thefivestrings   INSTAGRAM -   / thefivestrings   TWITTER -   / thefivestrings   OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://www.TheFiveStrings.com Click here to leave us a comment and let us know what part of the world you are watching from! https://www.thefivestrings.com/comments Merry Christmas Everyone! We are The Five Strings, a family band of five siblings.Thank you so much for watching our video! Be sure to subscribe to our channel, and be notified for future videos! We love this time of year, and it was such an amazing experience filming this video! We wanted to share our light with others through music, and the families that we went and surprised had no idea of the production awaiting them when they opened their doors! You can buy this song not by paying money, but by giving a little bit of your light to someone else this Christmas season. You could go caroling at a nursing home. Make a meal for a family in need. Surprise your parents by cleaning the house or making breakfast. Get creative! Everyone has something to give. Share your ideas in the comments below. Click here to get the song by pledging to share your light with someone else. http://thelightweshare.com/ocomeallye... We would like to thank all of the individuals that helped us share the light this Christmas season! Thank you all so much for your love and support! We couldn't do this without you! Merry Christmas! We love you all! -The Five Strings Performed by The Five Strings & The Marked Generation Choir Video produced, filmed & edited by - Tel Stewart Aerial Footage - Carson Stilson Second Camera - Andrew Hansen We would like to thank these families for letting us come and surprise them with this production! The Terry Family, The Weir Family, The Barney Family & The Orr Family The Marked Generation Choir: Sadie Brinkerhoff, Matt Warr, Adam Proffit, Eliza Baker, Emily Baker, Madeline Baker, Michaelah Ort, Cory Mathewson, Andrew Swan, Mckayla Pierce, Lexi Winkle, Natalee Dent, Emily Gierisch, Eleanor Solstad, Jadon Webster, Gracie Haslem, Mariah West, Coy Cox, Jake Forsythe, Cajon - Austin Hafen Handbells - Thomas Valadez, Amelia Valadez, Samuel Valadez Cello - Josh Hafen O Come All Ye Faithful Lyrics: O Come All Ye Faithful Joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem. Come and behold Him, Born the King of Angels; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. O Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing all that hear in heaven God's holy word. Give to our Father glory in the Highest; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. All Hail! Lord, we greet Thee, Born this happy morning, O Jesus! for evermore be Thy name adored. Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. Epic Christmas Carol - O Come All Ye Faithful - TheFiveStrings #LIGHTtheWORLD O Come All Ye Faithful - Epic Flash Mob Carol #LIGHTtheWORLD