Head to Heart || Luke 6:27-36
Today's Scripture: Luke 6:27-36 N&F Reading Calendar: Jan 3, 2020 Description: In today’s reading, Jesus teaches his followers a very difficult but important lesson. Jesus tells us that as His followers, we are called to love our enemies. This may be one of the hardest things we are called to do as christians, but Christ is our greatest example of how to do exactly this. Reflection question Think of someone you are bitter towards, or you hate, that might fall into “enemy” and ask yourself, how can I love that person? Prayer Point God show us how we can be people who have this heart. How can we be people who have your heart? Here’s the download link to the Head to Heart Daily Devotional Calendar so you can follow along with the reading every day: http://www.nowandforeversc.com/headto... If you live in San Clemente and you’re in junior high, you should join our middle school ministry at Pacific Coast Church called Now & Forever, Sunday’s at 8:30AM or Tuesday at 7PM. Say hi on social: Instagram: / nowandforever.sc Facebook: / nowandforeversc #Head2HeartDevo #nowandforeverSC #headtoheartdevotional