Very Easy DIY Craft Flower Pen Stand - Best out Of Waste Idea.#shorts #shortvideo

Very Easy DIY Craft Flower Pen Stand - Best out Of Waste Idea.#shorts #shortvideo

Best out of waste ideas from plastic bottles spoon stand for kitchen How to make spoon stand #sunsilk #shampoo #bottle #craft #spoon #holder #pen #stand #easy #quick #handmade #homemade #homedecor DIY Organizer fron waste shampoo bottle. This is a DIY Pen Stand or Pencil Holder made by recycling plastic bottles. A great plastic bottle craft idea that you can easily make at home and this DIY craft looks super cute as well. Use it as a DIY makeup organizer, DIY Pen Stand, Pencil Holder etc and also use it as a unique DIY Home Decor piece. This indeed is a cute craft idea for DIY room decor. #plasticbottlecraft #organizer #recycle #penstand #diy #craft #diyorganizer #recycledcraft recyclingidea #plasticbottle