how to test ignition coil
#ignitioncoil how to test the ignition coil with a multimeter . and without any tool! , by swapping . testing with a multimeter is more accurate if it's working but not properly and making some misfires from time to time . it will show that by the number of ohms . but you can also identify a bad ignition coil by swapping when it's not working .but not when it's working and making some misfires from time to time unless you replaced all the ignition coils . here some videos you might be interested in : • Video • Video • testing the (zirconia) o2 sensor with... • how to test alternator with multimeter • Video • Video *Disclaimer We .X Auto Fix are not responsible for any property damage, injury, or loss incurred as a result of any information or from improper use of any tools or equipment contained in this channel .information given in this channel does not guarantee the desired outcome .use this information at your own risk