11 Things NOT to do in Australia - MUST SEE BEFORE YOU GO!
Australia is a pretty cool place with some really fun and interesting people. Whether you're going there to trek the outback or dive the great barrier reef, you're going to need to know some things before you go. Here are 11 things not to do in Australia. You can also check out my website for a FULL list of travel recommendations! https://golocaltips.com Instagram: / calmckinley facebook: / golocaltips twitter: / golocalguides Support me on Patreon if ya dig what I'm doing: / calmckinley Music: Clear Progress - https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sc... Hotshot - https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sc... Ventura - http://smarturl.it/venturamusix Love of My Life - https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Bo... Huge thanks for additional footage to Australian Department of Home Affairs, Le Monde en Vidéo, stinaoverseas, and Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation Queensland a movie by Cal McKinley