Sunday Evening - November 22, 2020

Sunday Evening - November 22, 2020

Sunday Evening - November 22, 2020 James 4.1-4 | The Battles of Life: Won or Lost? Introduction (Ye Fight and War) 00:00 | The Garza Girls - Redeemed 03:20 | James 4.1-4 The Battles of Life: Won or Lost? 15:19 | I. All Battles Exist Because of Sin 19:19 | II. All Battles of Your Life are Spiritual in Nature 25:56 | III. All Battles Involve the Devil and His Forces 31:02 | IV. It is Possible to be Prepared for the Battles You are Facing and Will Face 38:17 | V. Battles May be Personal but are Not Meant to be Fought Alone 46:51 | Salvation Know for sure that you are on your way to heaven: You are more than a body; you will live forever somewhere; and God is on a divine rescue mission to make sure your “forever” is safe with Him! If you enjoy being loved; if you enjoy gifts; if you care about where you will spend forever; and if you want to know the true message of the Bible, then you must read this book! Where will you spend forever? You owe this question some investigation... find the free Kindle book here: DONE. What most religions don't tell you about the Bible FIND US ONLINE: YouTube:    / secondbaptistchurchponcacity   Facebook:   / secondbaptistpc   Website: BE OUR GUEST: GIVE ONLINE: