Uneven Legs and Back Pain | Everything You NEED To Know!

Uneven Legs and Back Pain | Everything You NEED To Know!

✅ Want to know how we help thousands across the world resolve their sciatica and back pain with our “Centralization Process”, and receive a free demo with our staff? Click here! https://bit.ly/sciatica-youtube Join my free Facebook group for our sciatica guide!   / 4660680554039248   Submit an application to work with us 1:1 and learn how to fix your low back! www.therehabfix.com/low-back-program To view hundreds of free low back videos please follow us on instagram at @rehabfix @x Do you have a short leg? A leg length inequality? You have probably been told this is the reason for your back pain! But is it? Many people are told they have a leg length discrepancy by chiropractors, physical therapists, or other doctors and yes this might be true, but it is rarely the reason for their pain! Uneven legs is common and normal! The evidence shows this does not cause pain and is rarely the reason for any problems at all! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...