Eighth Sunday after Epiphany       March 2, 2025

Eighth Sunday after Epiphany March 2, 2025

A Note from Our Rector: Grace Memorial is a church firmly rooted in the Episcopal tradition. Our worship space is the oldest and one of the most beautiful churches in Hammond, and our worship life is centered in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. At the same time, Grace Memorial is a church actively involved in caring for our community, both inside and outside of the church. In all we do, we seek to serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves. To this end, we strive to offer education programs of various descriptions for all ages, fellowship, and service opportunities. All are welcome and wanted at Grace Memorial. I pray you will consider making Grace Memorial your church home. Please contact us with any questions and wonderings at (985) 345-2764 or [email protected] I am grateful for the privilege to serve Grace Memorial in Hammond, Louisiana. If you have any questions about our church, or if there is some way I might be of service to you, please feel free to contact me here. Welcome to Grace Memorial! May God’s peace be with you. ​ Yours faithfully, ​ The Rev. Liz Embler-Beazley Rector