CSIGSV Live #May2021 | Livestream | 01-May-21 - 6:30 am | Monthly Dawn Service
Its the season of #lent2021 and CSI Good Shepherd Velachery has published the Lent plan on their website. If you havent been able to get your hands on, please go ahead to our website and get hold of one. http://sundayschool.csigoodshepherdve... The Morning Tamil Service will be Livestreamed on our Channel for viewing online for those who would like to stay home. The Church is open and everyone is invited to take part in the service with only maintaining Social distancing. Live Streaming of Events from #csigsv through #csigsvlive This streaming will also be available on the website. You can access our livestreams using the following link and stay subscribed so you are notified anytime we go Live our channel. https://www.youtube.com/csigsvlive/live Facebook: / csigoodshepherdvelachery Facebook Live: / live Twitter: / csigoodshepherd Instagram: / csigoodshepherdvelachery Website: http://www.csigoodshepherdvelachery.com