Vehicles and Transport | Matt's Tube # 2 | Learning Transportation, Learn English Kids
Vehicles and Transport! In this episode of Matt’s Tube we are introduced to ten vehicles: airplane, boat, car, dump truck, fire truck, garbage truck, helicopter, motorcycle, race car, and train. Watch real footage of the vehicles. Can you hear any tranport sounds? Can an garbage truck fly? Watch to find out! Contents: 1. Welcome with Matt 2. Today’s Topic Vocabulary Practice 3. Today’s Topic Song 4. Crazy Dance with Bell and Tunes 5. The Spelling Game 6. Ask Tunes 7. Mystery Box Animation 8. Count with Matt 9. Song Time - Fire Truck Song 10. Quiz Time 11. What Did We Learn Today? Matt’s Tube is a show designed to teach young learners of English vocabulary, basic phrases, letter recognition, spelling, and listening skills. The show uses songs, real footage, and animation. Please visit www.dreamenglish.com to download for FREE over 100 songs and chants to learn English!