Resident Evil Village PART 6 Gameplay Walkthrough | Beneviento Death | SECRET GAMING |
Resident Evil Village : House Beneviento The Path to House Beneviento Goat of Warding - As you reach the incredibly nerve-wracking suspension bridge, fear not, it will hold. More importantly, if you look to the left at another bridge, you can spy a Goat of Warding to snipe from your location before crossing the bridge. Making your way to the Garden, Ethan will begin to see visions - but if they are real or all in his head will be hard to say. Listen to the visions as you progress down the narrow path, as you won’t be able to deviate right now. You’ll end up in a large gravesite with a large headstone for a member of the Beneviento family, but part of the slab with their name is missing. This site also holds a treasure, but you won’t be able to access it just yet. Move around to the back of the gravesite to find a large door with a slot, and a plaque next to it that reads “Give up your memories”. You only have one real memory to part with at this point - it’s an item you’ve carried with you from the start: The Family Photo. Now you can head back up the hall to the Study by the Lift, and note the nearby breaker box now has a red light, but is locked. Inside the Study, examine the note, and the sets of film that you add yours to, and put them in the correct order: Rose’s best friend in the whole wide world - 3 She really likes this fairytale - 4 The most important thing in the world to us - 1 A wedding gift from grandma - 5 Proof of Ethan’s everlasting love for me - 2 With the correct order set up, play the movie to see… something entirely different. A well? Your next clue, it seems. As the film concludes, the screen will fall, and a bookcase will slide open to reveal a secret path. You’ll now enter the scene from the movie that was playing earlier, so head down the creepy stairs to the well, and climb in to reach the bottom. One of the doll hands here holds the Breaker Box Key - a way out of this hell may finally be in sight. Sure enough, as you begin to make your way through the darkened hallway back to the breaker box, something will start moving out of the shadows toward you. Something very large, disturbing, and dangerous. Quickly turn and flee back to the Doll Workshop, where you’ll need to make a judgement call. If you’re feeling confident in your ability to maneuver, you can use the table to wait on the other side until the abomination tries to move around to get you, then take the opposite side and sprint back to the breaker box. Open the breaker box, and instead of a fuse you’ll find the Relief of a Child. Boss Fight - Angie The house is now covered with creepy dolls on every floor, table, and wall, all of which seem to be controlled by Donna and her main partner Angie. This boss fight is less of a true battle and more of a deadly game of hide and seek. Angie will attempt to hide in this part of the house among the many dolls, and if you take too long to find her, she’ll summon a horde of them to try and tear you to pieces. Since you lack defensive measures or health options, you won’t be able to last for long, so speed is the top priority. The places in which Angie hides seems to be partially random, but she generally begins by hiding up on the second floor Guest Room, to the left of the bed. Look for the all white doll, and grab her to stab it with your Scissors. When she flees again, head back downstairs, and look in the Living Room, as she is usually either behind the far desk, or in the side area with the large couch - and you can sometimes hear her making noises when you’re close. Return to The Village