Sound of Animals | Animal Sounds Song For Kids | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Sound of Animals | Animal Sounds Song For Kids | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Sound of Animals | Animal Sounds Song For Kids | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs On the farm, the cow says, "Moo, moo, moo," The little duck quacks, "Quack, quack, too!" The horse neighs loud, "Neigh, neigh, neigh," While the rooster crows to start the day. The sheep says, "Baa," as it roams around, The dog barks, "Woof," such a happy sound! The pig goes, "Oink," rolling in the mud, While the birds chirp sweetly, "Chirp, chirp, bud." All the animals, big and small, Sing their sounds, one and all! Join the fun, sing along with me, On the farm, it's a symphony! "Animal Sounds Parade" The cat says, "Meow," soft and sweet, The little chicks go, "Cheep, cheep, cheep!" The owl hoots loud, "Hoo, hoo, hoo," The frog leaps up with a "Ribbit" too. The lion roars, "Roar, hear me loud!" The eagle screeches, strong and proud. The donkey brays, "Hee-haw, hee-haw," And the crow caws, "Caw, caw, caw!" The bees buzz by with a "Bzz, bzz, bzz," The snake slithers with a gentle "Hiss!" In the jungle, in the air, all around, Every creature makes its sound! #animal sounds #song #animals #oldmacdonal #FarmSongs #OldMacDonaldSong # sounds #song for kids #cocomomokidstv #sounds of animals #kids songs #animal sounds #songs for kids #animal sounds for kids #baby songs #animal sounds song for kids #animals for kids #animal songs #animal sounds for children #animals #animal sound song #animal sounds songs #these are the sounds of animals #the animal sounds song #zoo animal sounds song #farm animal sounds #animal song #animals sounds #animal songs for kids #OldMacDonald #OldMacDonaldHadAFarmEIEIO #OldMacDonaldHadAFarmEIeIEIO #OldMacDonaldHadAFarmComposition #MacDonaldHadAFarm #OldMacDonaldHadAFarmSongForKids #OldMacDonaldHadAFarmNurseryRhyme #OlMacDonaldHadAFarm #OldMacDonaldHadAFarmBirds #OldMacDonaldHadAFarmFilm #OldMacDonaldHadAFarmLyrics #OldMacDonaldHadAFarmDinosaur #OldMacDonald #OldMacDonaldSong