Chosen Ones, if you were born on any of these dates, you need to know this!

Chosen Ones, if you were born on any of these dates, you need to know this!

Chosen Ones, if you were born on any of these dates, you need to know this! These biblical dates are the reason for everything… Chosen one, have you ever wondered why you were born on a specific day? Could the date of your birth hold a deeper spiritual meaning? This question leads us to reflect on the greater purpose that encompasses every detail of our lives, including the day we came into the world. Your birth date is not just a number on the calendar but a vital piece in the puzzle of your destiny. In the Bible, Psalm 139:16 reveals to us: "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." This passage reminds us that every day of our lives was planned and known by God, including the exact moment you were born. There are no coincidences. Become a member of this channel and enjoy exclusive benefits:    / @shieldedmind.official