Acupressure for cervical pain #shorts #yoga #acupuncture #cervicalpain

Acupressure for cervical pain #shorts #yoga #acupuncture #cervicalpain

Acupressure for cervical pain #shorts #yoga #acupuncture #cervicalpain Acupressure points for cervical pain include the GB-20 point at the base of the neck, the Zhong-Zhu point between the pinky and ring fingers, and the Luo Zhen point between the index and middle fingers.  GB-20 point  Located at the base of the skull, about one finger-width from the midline of the head Helps relieve neck stiffness, pain, headaches, shoulder pain, and eye pain To apply pressure, use your thumbs to apply firm and deep pressure Zhong-Zhu point  Located between the base of the ring and pinky fingers Helps relieve neck pain and ear conditions like tinnitus Luo Zhen point  Located in the depression just before the knuckles of the index and middle finger To apply pressure, gently press on the depression Massage the point while moving your head up and down, side bend, and rotate Other acupressure points for neck pain:  Jian jing, located halfway between your neck and where your arms begin He Gu, located on the “web” fold of skin between your thumb and forefinger Feng chi, located behind your earlobes Heavenly pillar, located right above your shoulders Precautions  Don't apply pressure to an open wound or to swollen or inflamed areas Avoid areas with scar tissue, boils, blisters, rashes, or varicose veins