2020 12 13  3rd sunday of advent

2020 12 13 3rd sunday of advent

December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent Gathering in God’s Name Greeting/Welcome/Announcements PRELUDE: “Joy to the World Duet Fantasy” G.F. Handel arr. Vandall George & Pat Radosavljevic, Piano LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH Norma Struch and Charlotte Tyre OPENING HYMN: “Lift Up Your Heads” GTG # 93 Time of Spiritual Centering: Confession and Forgiveness CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION (in unison) Merciful God, we confess our willingness to be loved but also our reluctance to love. We confess our readiness to accept your forgiving love but also our refusal to forgive. We confess our eagerness to grasp your offer of redeeming love but also our resistance to follow you. In this Advent time, forgive us our failure to respond as we should. Come to us anew, and by your grace, assist us to receive you with joy and with love, as you have loved us. Amen. WORDS OF FORGIVENESS Becoming the Beloved Community Carter - Westminster United Presbyterian Church Gathering of the People - Worshipping safely at home Word Proclaimed SCRIPTURE LESSON: John 1:6-8, 19-28 SERMON: “Taking Names” PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE TIME FOR GENEROSITY OFFERTORY: “The Lamb” Theodore Chanler Anne, Elliott, Rachel & Zoe Nott PRAYER OF DEDICATION (in unison) Receive this offering, Gracious God, and renew us, so that we can welcome Jesus Christ to rule our thoughts, claim our lives, and fill this world with peace, in the name of the Prince of Peace, to whom be honor and glory forever. Amen Sending CLOSING HYMN: “What Child is This” GTG # 145 CHARGE AND BENEDICTION POSTLUDE: “The Little Drummer Boy” Katherine Davis Heidi Musser, Piano Going Forth / Staying Home and Staying Safe Assisting us in Worship: Norma Struch, Charlotte Tyre, Heidi Musser, Elliott Nott, Rachel Nott, Zoe Nott and Anne Nott, Emily Crisp, George Radosavljevic, Pat Radosavljevic, and Bridge Pastor William J. Ingersoll.