कढ़ाई मे घर की चीज़ो से बेकरी जैसे आटा बिस्किट | Atta Biscuit Recipe | Whole Wheat Biscuit Recipe

कढ़ाई मे घर की चीज़ो से बेकरी जैसे आटा बिस्किट | Atta Biscuit Recipe | Whole Wheat Biscuit Recipe

How to make atta biscuit,आटे का बेकरी जैसा बिस्किट, atta biscuit recipe, atta biscuit in cooker, whole wheat sweet biscuits recipe, bakery style atta biscuit, wheat biscuits recipes easy, me and my kitchen, Biscuit recipe without oven and egg, eggless atta biscuit, atta biscuit by me and my kitchen, In this video, we're making the recipe of Atta Biscuit, which is very easy to make and is exactly like the ones from bakeries! This is going to made without oven or with oven and eggless. #Meandmykitchen #attabiscuitrecipe #wholewheatbiscuitrecipe #biscuitathome If you have enjoyed watching this video & want me to make more such videos than Don’t forget to LIKE & SHARE it with your friend. Note: If you hit the bell icon, you will be the first to receive all my videos, so hit the bell icon and select to receive all mobile notifications. As always, thanks for watching :) Music: Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/ Follow me on:- Instagram:   / singhreshu577   Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/meandmyki... Sharechat: https://sharechat.com/profile/2884857... Twitter:   / meandmykitchenr   Facebook:   / reshusingh299   Checkout the more easy recipe : 1) 10 मिनिट गेहूं के आटे से जीरा,सौंप और चॉको बिस्कुट | Jeera Atta Biscuit | Choco Biscuit Recipe    • 10 मिनिट गेहूं के आटे से जीरा,सौंप और...   2) कड़ाई में बनाये बिना अंडे का परफेक्ट ओंब्रे केक|Tea Time Cake Recipe | Ombre Cake Recipe | Layer Cake    • कड़ाई में बनाये बिना अंडे का परफेक्ट ओ...   3) बेकरी में मिलने वाली महगी बटर कूकीज केवल 3 चीजों से घर पर आसानी से बनाये| Butter cookies without egg    • बेकरी में मिलने वाली महगी बटर कूकीज क...   4) 12 मिनिट में बेकरी जैसे बिस्कुट यों भी सिर्फ एक ही dough से | Bakery style cookies from one Dough    • 12 मिनिट में बेकरी जैसे बिस्कुट यों भ...   5) सूपर सॉफ्ट मलाई केक- घर पर मौजूद चीजों से | How to Make Malai Cake | Malai Cake by Me and My Kitchen    • सूपर सॉफ्ट मलाई केक- घर पर मौजूद चीजो...   6) सूजी चॉकलेट केक- बिना अंडा और ओवन | Suji Chocolate Cake Recipe | Eggless Chocolate cake without oven    • सूजी चॉकलेट केक- बिना अंडा और ओवन | S...   7) सिर्फ 3 चीजों से सबसे आसान और खूबसूरत केक बनाने का तरीका | 3 ingredients cake by Me and My Kitchen    • सिर्फ 3 चीजों से सबसे आसान और खूबसूरत...