Resident Evil 4 Remake | Longplay | 4K
In this #longplay we will be playing through the main story of the #residentevil4remake Along the way we will grab the majority of the collectibles and hit several achievements! Video Chapters 0:00 Mission Underway (Chapter 1) 45:00 Gift in the Blood (Chapter 2) 1:11:39 Infested Inside (Chapter 3) 1:12:35 Save our furry friend! 1:46:55 The First Daughter (Chapter 4) 2:22:20 Glimmer of Hope (Chapter 5) 2:43:16 Farewell, Village of Terror (Chapter 6) 3:08:14 Shadows Within (Chapter 7) 3:56:06 Reunited (Chapter 8) 4:33:35 Dire Situation (Chapter 9) 5:24:30 The Depths of Hell (Chapter 10) 6:19:39 Adios, Caballero (Chapter 11) 7:02:11 Overthrowing the Castle (Chapter 12) 7:39:30 Another Rescue (Chapter 13) - Includes some backtracking 8:33:20 Letting Go of the Past (Chapter 14) 9:40:00 I'll Do My Job (Chapter 15) 10:27:24 Darkest Before Dawn (Chapter 16) 10:52:32 Credits 10:54:39 Epilogue 10:56:15 Credits (Continued) 11:03:20 Conclusion This was my first exposure to any of the "core" Resident Evil games as I started on Resident Evil 5 with little to no context behind the game several years ago. Compared to the other Resident Evil series such as Seven and Eight the playstyle is a tad different but very enjoyable and I look forward to what Capcom has in store for us next. There are some tweaks made to several models provide individuality and improve Quality of Life. More Resident Evil content and teasers to follow! #longplay #gameplay #nocommentary #nocommentarygameplay #residentevil #residentevilgaming #residentevil4 #residentevil4remake #walkthrough #residentevil4remakereaction #residentevil4remakewalkthrough #ashleygraham #leonskennedy