How to Build Muscle At Home (As a Teenager)

How to Build Muscle At Home (As a Teenager)

Whats up bro? I see youre trying to get jacked af but have no equipment, dw bro I got you just follow this no bs guide and ill show you the perfect calisthenics routine thatll get you your greek god look in no time. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:23 Split 0:44 How to Workout 0:54 Day 1 1:40 Day 2 2:18 Day 3 2:35 Training Technique In this no bs teenager calisthenics no equipment guide I show you how to build an aesthetic, lean, v taper, attractive, shredded, greek god, baki, athletic, physique/look. Embrace looksmaxxing and get jacked as a teenager. #selfimprovement #advice #calisthenics #teen #aesthetics #aestheticmotivation #aesthetic #leanmuscle #looksmaxxing #vtaper #attractive #shredded #greekgod #baki #athletic #physique #jacked