A Prepared Body | Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo | COZA Sunday Service | 22-01-2023 | #COZASundays

A Prepared Body | Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo | COZA Sunday Service | 22-01-2023 | #COZASundays

Your body is not for what a lot of people are using it for. Dont be carried away. Your body was prepared for something! Your body is your right to be on the earth. Anyone without a body doesn't have a right to stay on this plane. So it's important to learn the reason you were given a body in the first place. Watch this video to learn the reason your body was prepared for you, and you alone! Preacher: Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo Sermon Title: A Prepared Body Service: COZA Sunday Service (22 -01-2023) ____________________________________ Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo is the Global Senior Pastor of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA): A global church mandated by God to make disciples of all nations, reaching the unchurched who will re-establish God's kingdom on earth and inform the nations adequately. To give and support our ministry click any of the following links: paypal.me/COZAGLOBAL, https://cash.app/$GiveCoza, https://give.coza.org.ng/ #PastorBiodun #BiodunFatoyinbo #COZAGlobal To partner with us in taking our vision of expanding the gospel of Jesus Christ click here: https://partners.coza.org.ng/ If you would like to share your praise reports/testimonies send to: praisereports@cozaglobal.org WATCH OTHER VIDEOS    • Reigning with Jesus | Pastor Biodun F...      • Secrets To Reigning With Christ | Pas...      • Training To Reign | Pastor Biodun Fat...   FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA Get daily inspiring and edifying content on The Reverend Biodun Fatoyinbo's Social Media! Facebook:   / biodunfatoyinbo   Instagram:   / biodunfatoyinbo