9 Childhood Autistic Traits in Girls | EARLY SIGNS OF AUTISM

9 Childhood Autistic Traits in Girls | EARLY SIGNS OF AUTISM

In this week's video of Autistically Me, I talk about nine autistic traits I had in my childhood, from being painfully shy to not being able to make a dang decision! Stay tuned to learn about nine common autistic traits in young girls and some of the early signs of ASD. ***Please remember, not every autistic person will have all my traits and vise versa. Just because you don't have some of my traits doesn't make you NOT autistic, and just because you have some of my traits doesn't diagnose you with autism. Only a doctor can diagnose you! Instagram: @OliviaHops Small Business: www.UnbakedBar.com Autism - Autistic - ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder - Aspergers - Female Autistic Traits - Girl Autistic Traits - Autistic Female - Autistic Adult - Autistic Girl - Childhood Autistic Traits - Autism Awareness - Actually Autistic - Autism Girls #ActuallyAutistic