ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING MUSIC | Full Body Aura Cleanse & Boost Positive Energy |  10 Minutes Music

ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING MUSIC | Full Body Aura Cleanse & Boost Positive Energy | 10 Minutes Music

Root Chakra Healing Music - Let Go Worries, Anxiety, Fear - Chakra Meditation Music ROOT CHAKRA / Also known as the 1st or Root Chakra, the Muladhara (sometimes spelled as mooladhara) is considered by many to be the most important Chakra as this is the Fundamental (or Mool) Chakra. Without Balancing it, now matter how hard we try, higher chakras can not be healed / unblocked. Located at the base of our spine, it is the root chakra that governs over our physical energies, giving us a sense of safety and security with other people and ourselves. The Frequencies in the music resonate with Root Chakra also, our fundamental energy center, which normally gets blocked by fear, anxiety, worry. This sound track promotes the healing of Root Chakra thus removing all these blocks and boosts energy... boosts positivity. Also Red is the color of Root Chakra. Thats why this video features a beautiful Mandala with red color, which is used in color therapy for healing and balancing root chakra. Learn more about Soul Manifestation Entspannende Musik für Schlaf, Meditation & Stressabbau Meditationsmusik, positive Energievibration, gute Stimmung, heilende Musik Wunderschöne entspannende Musik zur Stressbewältigung • Musik zum Meditieren, Musik zum Schlafen Heilende Musik gegen Angst, Angst, Depressionen und negative Gedanken beseitigen 15 Minuten Meditationsmusik, Entspannende Musik, Beruhigende Musik, Stressabbaumusik, ☯3293B 432 Hz - Deep Healing Music for The Body & Soul - DNA Repair, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music "Boost Your Aura" Attract Positive Energy Meditation Music, 7 Chakra Balancing & Healing 432Hz - The DEEPEST Healing | Let Go Of All Negative Energy - Healing Meditation Music 432Hz 432 Hz Zerstöre unbewusste Blockaden und Angst, binaurale Beats 432Hz 》Nature's Healing Music 》Aura Cleanse 》All 7 Chakras Cleanse 》Positive Energy Boost The Best SLEEP Music | 432hz - Healing Frequency | Deeply Relaxing | Raise Positive Vibrations ALL 7 CHAKRAS HEALING MUSIC || Full Body Aura Cleanse & Boost Positive Energy | Meditation Music All 7 Chakras Healing Meditation Music "UNBLOCK ALL 7 CHAKRAS" 8 Hour Deep Sleep Meditation: Aura Cleansing & Balancing Chakra 432Hz 》MAGICAL FOREST MUSIC 》Manifest Miracles 》Raise Your Vibration