While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles - Acoustic Lesson - Rolling Tab

While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles - Acoustic Lesson - Rolling Tab

Guitar School Northampton owns no rights to the original recording of this music whatsoever. This video is intended as a free learning aid for guitarists. Our backing tracks and tabs are made from scratch for each video. Many hours are put into making our content, if you'd like to support us please remember to subscribe, comment and to give us a 👍. This is a great song for rhythm playing on acoustic or electric guitar for anyone between the beginner and intermediate stages. Whilst the verses are largely made up of open chords, there are plenty of simple major and minor barre chords. The strumming pattern that George Harrison played on the "White Album" version varies very slightly throughout, which I have included in my version; however for anyone who struggles to follow it exactly as noted, just follow the simple strumming pattern from bar one. Any rhythm following an eight note feel will work just fine. This song is a great example of a parallel key change, with verses using a hybrid of A natural minor (aeolian mode) and the A dorian mode (2nd mode of G major) and the chorus/bridge sections changing to A major. See the link below to learn more about parallel key changes. To learn the lead guitar and bass parts, follow the links below. Lead Guitar    • While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Be...   Bass Guitar    • While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Be...   To hear the original tracks isolated, follow the link below.    • Deconstructing While My Guitar Gently...   Feel free to contact us if you'd like are information regarding lessons online, or at Guitar School Northampton. If you value our content and you'd like to see more, you can support us by donating via the PayPal link below. https://paypal.me/LeeMRKenny?country.... wwwguitarschoolnorthampton.com Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:17 Verse 1 0:51 Chorus 1 1:25 Verse 2 1:55 Solo 2:31 Chorus 2 3:04 Verse 3 3:32 Outro Solo 4:47 End Credits #whilemyguitargentlyweeps #thebeatles #thewhitealbum #georgeharrison #ericclapton #freeguitarlessons #onlineguitarclasses #onlineguitarlesson #guitarschoolnorthampton #guitarlessonsorthampton #guitarlessonsnearme #leadguitar #keychange #dorianmode #amajor #parallekeychange #parallelkey #guitartabs #guitarpro #thebeatlesguitar #georgeharrisonguitarlesson #ericclaptoncover #beatlescover #beatlescovers #whilemyguitargentlyweepcover #georgerharrisoncover #beatlesbasscover #beatlesbasslesson #bass #basslesson #basslessons #paulmccartney #paulmcartney #basstabs #basstabs #whilemyguitargentlyweepschords #acoustic #acousticguitarsong #acousticcovers #acoustic #strummingpatterns #openchords #barrechords