High-end Retouching in Photoshop for BEGINNERS | Free course & FREE Frequency Separation Plugin

High-end Retouching in Photoshop for BEGINNERS | Free course & FREE Frequency Separation Plugin

Enhance your retouching skills with the power of artificial intelligence! In this tutorial, we'll dive into the world of high-end retouching using the incredible Photoshop AI Plugin, Retouch4me. Discover how to effortlessly smooth skin, enhance details, and achieve stunning results. Join us as we unlock the secrets of this game-changing plugin, step-by-step. Plus, don't forget to click that subscribe button to stay updated with more exciting tutorials and unleash your creative potential! ⏩TRY Retouch4me Plugins HERE: (use Promo Code OscarRetouch20 for a 20% discount) https://www.promo.retouch4.me Download the Photo here to Follow along: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NbNN... ⏩Get the one-click wedding Color grading LUTs and presets: https://retouchingsecrets.com/product... ⏩Master Highend Retouching and take your photography to the next granular level! https://retouchingsecrets.com ⏩Master Highend Photo Retouch: https://retouchingsecrets.com/product... ⏩Get the perfect Skintone LUTs Pack: https://retouchingsecrets.com/product... Time Stamps: 0:00 - Introduction 0:35 -What is High-End Retouching 01:26 -Why Use AI Plugins? 01:49 - Lesson Overview 02:22 - Image/ Photo Assessment & REVIEW 02:59 - Camera Raw Editing and processing with Canon DPP 07:11 - Photoshop AI Retouching 07:27 - Skin Blemish Removal with Retouch4me Heal 08:07 - Skin Smoothening With Retouch4me Frequency Separation Plugin 12:08 - Skin Texture Refinement with Retouch4me Frequency separation Plugin. 13:07 - Global Dodge and Burn with Retouch4me Portrait Volumes. 16:11 -My recommended AI Tools and Retouch4Me Reviews 17:37 - THE FREE PHOTOSHOP HIGH-END RETOUCHING WITH NO AI PLUGINS. 17:43 - Remove Blemishes 18:34 - High-end Skin Retouching With Frequency Separation 28:24 - Matching Skin Tone, Removing Knucles and uneven skin. 30:47 - Removing and editing dark Knuckles 31:22 - Edit Skin Textures 33:36 - Burning & Dodging without AI PLUGINS/ FACE CONTOURING 38:52 - UNDERSTANDING FACIAL SCULPTING AND EDITING 48:40 - Eye Whitening In Photoshop 51:53 - Teeth Whitening In Photoshop 54:21 - Edit and Change eye color in Photoshop For Presence. 58:25 - Outroduction and Recap 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO OSCAR NTEGE'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇    / oscarntege   Oscar Ntege is a dynamic creative portrait, commercial photographer, and educator. Oscar Ntege is the most influential photographer in the east and central Africa. He has trained hundreds of great photographers within the region under the Clicks of hope academy, and he is still educating. Beyond his success in the photography business, Oscar Ntege is also the founder of Clicks of Hope, a movement of photographers, makeup artists, and other visual storytellers using their talents, time, and skills to make communities better. Today, Oscar Ntege is a top celebrity photographer and the most celebrated photographer in East and Central Africa with multiple awards, including the prestigious ASFAs, UPPA, and many more. ★☆★ CONNECT WITH OSCAR NTEGE ON SOCIAL MEDIA ★☆★ Instagram:   / oscar_ntege      / oscarntege   TWITTER: twitter.com/oscarntege1 FACEBOOK: facebook.me/oscarntegephotography #highendretouching #photoshoptutorialforbeginners #Retouch4me If you've found value in this video, please buy me a cup of coffee. :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/oscar1 This video is about PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL: How to create realistic skin texture (The full tutorial 2021)