Sunday Worship 20240707
Welcome to First Baptist Church of Pendleton As we aspire to keep Jesus at the center of our lives, we are Rooted in Faith, and Growing in Love. We endeavor to be a welcoming and affirming community of grace for all people, loving our neighbors because God first loved us. We welcome back Rev. Tim Willis as our guest preacher today. Tim retired at the end of 2017 after 43 years of ministry, which included 31 years as a campus minister and 12 years as an intentional interim and chaplain. Tim and his wife have lived in Clemson for 39 years. They have a son, David, in Marshall, NC; their oldest son, John, passed away in 2018. Tim has been the voice of the Tiger Band for 30 years and the Clemson Baseball Stadium announcer for 2 years. July 7, 2024 · 10:45 am · Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Chris Cottingham will give the Welcome and Invocation. Richard Reynolds Huss will play "Largo (from Guitar Concerto)" by Antonio Vivaldi for the Call to Worship. Rev. Chris Cottingham will lead the Passing of the Peace. The Hymn of Praise will be "Eternal Father, Strong to Save." Rev. Tim Willis will read Luke 15:11-32. The Offertory Hymn will be "Abide with Me." Pam Willoughby will give the Offertory Prayer. Richard Reynolds Huss will play "Hymn to Joy" for the Offertory. Guest Preacher Rev. Tim Willis will preach the sermon "What Happens When the Prodigal Doesn't Return." The Hymn of Response will be "Like a Mother with Her Children."