30 MIN FULL BODY WORKOUT | Kettlebell OR Dumbbell | NO REPEAT | Low Impact Workout | No Jumping
Who’s ready for a 30 minute FULL BODY KB/Dumbbell Workout! ⭐️ ❤️ Love the workouts and want to say thanks? ➡️ Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/roxanner... ➡️ / workoutwithroxanne Follow along as we work our way through 24 different exercises hitting EVERY MUSCLE in the BODY. We are going to work for 45 seconds on each exercise with 30 seconds REST. 🎵 Where I download my Music *Try it FREE for 30 days* https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... SOCIAL MEDIA *follow me* 👉 / workoutwithroxanne 👉 / @workoutwithroxanne Suggested workouts for YOU to do after: 👉 10 Minute Core Workout - • Video 👉 15 Minute Core Workout - • Video 👉 Cool Down and Stretch - • 15 Minute Daily Stretching Routine | ... If you are a beginner, try performing each exercise in front of a mirror to practice correct form. If you are new to weight workouts please choose a light weight until you are confident your technique is right. Correct technique is very important for your health and safety. If you liked my video give it a thumbs up and most importantly comment your favourite exercise below so I know what you all LOVE! ⭐️ If you have already subscribed, thank you so much guys. All your support goes a long way in helping me get my channel going, so I can give you guys free workouts and continue doing what I love. ENJOY, Roxanne xx Please Note: You cannot spot reduce fat (we can’t choose the areas on our body where we lose fat). For best weight loss results I recommend; 1. A slight calorie deficit, I say slight, as slow steady weight loss is best for overall health. 2. Increasing your exercise duration and/or intensity so your heart rate is elevated. For example HIIT, cardio, LIIT workouts. 3. Workouts that will develop and strengthen specific muscles for your desired goals. For example Pilates, weight training, body weight exercises. CONSISTENCY IS KEY! DISCLAIMER: Please consult your doctor or health care professional before starting this workout. If you experience pain or discomfort at any time during this workout, you should stop immediately. By performing these exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Roxanne Russell will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this workout video. #kettlebellworkout #workoutathome #fullbodyworkout 0:00 Introduction 0:30 24x EXERCISES 0:52 UP FIRST AROUND THE BODY PASS 3:14 UP NEXT HALF BURPEE DEADLIFT 5:44 UP NEXT CHEST PRESS TO PULL OVER 6:59 UP NEXT SQUAT PRESS 8:15 UP NEXT ROM DEADLIFT TO ROW 10:44 UP NEXT KETTLEBELL SWINGS 11:59 UP NEXT ROW TO UPRIGHT ROW 13:15 UP NEXT CLEAN AND SQUAT 14:29 UP NEXT SWAP SIDES 15:44 UP NEXT ALT SINGLE ARM ROW 17:00 LATERAL LUNGE 18:21 UP NEXT PLANK PASS 19:29 UP NEXT ALT CURTSEY LUNGE 20:44 UP NEXT KETTLEBELL DRAGS 22:00 UP NEXT CRUNCH IN/OUT 23:14 UP NEXT GLUTE BRIDGES 24:29 UP NEXT SITUP W/ TWISTS 25:45 UP NEXT FIGURE 8 LUNGE BACK 27:00 UP NEXT HIP FLEXOR LIFTS 28:14 UP NEXT DEAD BUG HOLDS 29:29 UP NEXT RUSSIAN TWISTS