Borderlands 2 | Ultimate Zer0 | Funny Moments and Drops Day #1

Borderlands 2 | Ultimate Zer0 | Funny Moments and Drops Day #1

Episode 1 of the Road to Ultimate Zer0 and we snagged an Unkempt Harold, Fastball and Lyuda!! How to get and install Python SDK Mods: ▸ Twitch -   / ki11ersix   ▸ Discord -   / discord   Edited by Alec from Transmutation Media:   / transmute_media   My Borderlands 3 Level 72 Mayhem 10 & 11 Builds Playlist:    • Borderlands 3 | Level 72 Mayhem 10 & ...   Outro Song: "Dvynyty" by Ki11ersix   / dyvynyty