무생채보다 2배 맛있는 콜라비생채 맛있게 만드는법👍👍👍
How to make delicious raw kohlrabi that is twice as delicious as raw radish👍👍👍#Koreanfood 재료 콜라비1개(750그램) 고운소금2/1큰술 양념 설탕1큰술 고추가루3큰술 대파2/1뿌리 멸치액젖1큰술 매실청1큰술 다진마늘1큰술 생강청1티스픈 참깨1큰술 *1큰술(15ml) '0:00껍데기까기' '0:57채썰기' '1:30양념만들기' '1:45양념넣기' ingredient 1 kohlrabi (750 grams) 2/1 tablespoon fine salt seasoning 1 tablespoon sugar 3 tablespoons of red pepper powder 2/1 green onion root 1 tablespoon anchovy milk 1 tablespoon plum syrup 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 tsp ginger syrup 1 tablespoon sesame seeds '0:00 Cracking the Shell' '0:57Chopping' ‘1:30 seasoning making’ ‘Add seasoning at 1:45’