How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Naturally | Fast & Effective Home Remedies

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Naturally | Fast & Effective Home Remedies

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Naturally | Fast & Effective Home Remedies #bedbug #bedbugscontrol Are you looking for a natural way to get rid of bedbugs? Look no further! This video will show you how to get rid of these pests without resorting to harsh chemicals. You will learn how to get rid of bedbugs naturally, using ingredients you probably already have in your home. So don't wait; watch the video now and say goodbye to those pesky bedbugs! Firstly, What are Bedbugs? Bedbugs are small insects that feed on the blood of animals or humans. As the name implies, they can be found in beds, but they are just as likely to be found in couches, chairs, carpets, or any other place where they can hide during the day. They are about the size of an apple seed and have flat bodies, which allow them to hide in cracks and crevices. Bedbugs have a flat body that allows them to hide easily. Adult bedbugs are about 1/5 of an inch long and brown to reddish-brown. Bedbug eggs are white, oval-shaped, and about the size of a pinhead. After feeding on blood, they shed their skins to grow larger and develop into adults. Bedbug bites can appear as raised welts, blisters, or bumps. They are often mistaken for flea bites or mosquito bites. Bedbugs are not known to spread disease, but their presence can cause itching and loss of sleep. So Here is the best Natural Methods to Repel or Get Rid of Bedbugs quickly 1. Boric Acid Boric acid is a white crystalline powder used as an insecticide against bedbugs. The substance works by absorbing the skin's moisture and dehydrating the bedbug, often used in conjunction with other treatment methods. Mix boric acid with a carrier agent such as molasses, corn-starch, or talcum powder. Sprinkle them around the house to kill bedbugs. The powder is also effective in keeping bedbugs out of places because they cannot walk on it, and it's also effective in powder form against bedbug eggs. It will stick to the bedbug eggs and dehydrate them, preventing them from developing into adult bedbugs. 2. Diatomaceous Earth Diatomaceous earth is a sedimentary rock commonly found on the ocean floor, which has been ground into a fine powder. It is a product made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae, and it's a powerful method to use against bedbugs. The powder works as an abrasive, drying out the insect and causing death from dehydration. It will also disrupt their waxy exoskeleton, killing them by dehydration. One of the best ways to use diatomaceous earth to kill bedbugs is to make a powder mixture. Mix four tablespoons of powder with one glass of water. Use a spray bottle to apply the mixture to all areas of the room, including the underside of furniture, walls, and floors. You should do this every three to four days for at least two weeks. Diatomaceous earth is non-toxic and safe to use around your home and is also effective against other insects like ants, cockroaches, fleas, and ticks. 3. Salt Salt is another natural organic product that is potent against bedbugs. Sodium dries out the bedbugs, causing them to die. Mix four tablespoons of salt with one glass of water. Use a spray bottle to apply the mixture to all areas of the room, including the underside of furniture, walls, and floors. It's best to do this in the evening when bedbugs are most active. You can also sprinkle salt on your bedsheets, blankets, and furniture to kill any bedbugs hiding there. It should be left on the bedding overnight. You can use it in combination with other products. For example, you can combine three tablespoons of salt with one tablespoon of borax and add it to the wash with your load of bed laundry. You can also mix salt with diatomaceous earth to make a cloud of dry dust that will stick to the bedbugs and cause them to dehydrate. 4. Peppermint Oil Peppermint oil is a natural bedbug insecticide made from the essential oil of the peppermint plant. It is a very effective way to repel bedbugs and other pests, including fleas and ticks. Peppermint oil is an active ingredient in many commercial insect repellent products. It can be applied to the skin, used in a vaporizer or diffuser, or added to your favorite spray bottle. It works by irritating the breathing pores in insects. For maximum effect, rub the oil on your skin and also spray it in areas where bedbugs hide. If you use peppermint oil as a natural bedbug insecticide, dilute it with water before applying it to your skin because it can irritate. 0:00 Introduction 1:27 BORIC ACID 2:08 DIATOMACEOUS EARTH 4:03 PEPPERMINT OIL 4:47 LEMON EUCALYPTUS 5:36 LAVENDER OIL 5:58 CAYENNE PEPPER 6:43 TEA TREE OIL