White discharge in women | Sticky Cervical mucus for Sex| Cervical mucus & #fertility -Dr.Shailaja N
Subscribe to / @doctors-circle World's Largest Health Platform / @doctorscirclehindi दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा हेल्थ प्लेटफार्म / @doctorscircle-knowyourdoctor Know Your Doctor Dr. Shailaja N | Phone 📞:+ 91 78999 00022 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) | Registration No. 59039 Karnataka Medical Council, 2001 | Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecologist | Shree Krishna clinic, J P Nagar Bengaluru, India Cervical mucus it is used to identify the fertile window. So cervical mucus becomes very clear, stretchy slippery and abundant around the time of ovulation. It happens under the influence of estrogen hormone. So why it becomes so clear, so mucoid slippery. This to facilitate the sperm swim through the mucus reach the egg to fertilize the egg. So it is easy for the sperm to survive in such mucus nature is amazing to facilitate the fertility. So then coming to the cervical mucus checking. So you can just wipe your mucus with the help of tissue paper and check it when you stretch the mucus it will stretch to 1 to 2 inches without breaking. So one advice for you people should not keep on checking the cervical mucus to identify the fertility window. Because it unnecessarily creates tension in your mind. We should understand in a regular cycle the fertility window is 4 to 5 days before the ovulation that is around 10th day of your menstruation to 18th day of your menstruation. If you have your sexual activity regularly you have high chance of conceiving rather than checking your cervical mucus. And one more more advantage of knowing this information is many of times people think the cervical mucus becoming little more abundant require the thing they have got infection it is not so. Under the influence of estrogen the mucus becomes clear abundant slippery stretchy under the influence of progesterone it becomes opaque thick and sticky. So this is mainly to help the sperm fertilize the egg. So this cervical mucus consistency will help you to identify the fertility window. Cervical mucus in early pregnancy |Cervical mucus after ovulation |Cervical mucus before period |Cervical mucus after ovulation if pregnant |Cervical mucus after implantation |Cervical mucus ovulation signs |Cervical mucus after conception |Cervical mucus after period |Cervical mucus after fertilization |Cervical mucus after sex |After ovulation cervical mucus look like |After implantation cervical mucus |Cervical mucus before ovulation |Brown cervical mucus |Blood in cervical mucus |Cervical mucus charting method |Cervical mucus how to check |Creamy cervical mucus |Can i ovulate without cervical mucus #doctorscircle #vaginaldischarge #ovulation #fertility #ovulationtest #infertility #pregnancy #tryingtoconceive #vaginalhealth #womenshealth #vagina #yeastinfection