Legendary Sea Monsters Size Comparison 3D | BLOOP VS SEA EATER

Legendary Sea Monsters Size Comparison 3D | BLOOP VS SEA EATER

Wait a second..... Have you ever heard about the legendary sea monster, SEA EATER? Or do you know there are monsters which called as "Legendary Sea Monsters" ? Yes, you are about to watch the greatest comparison of sea monsters with legendary creatures as a 3D animation. You can watch the Bloop, El Gran Maja, Garagantuan Leviathan, Sea Eater and more and more legendary sea monsters and their sizes which can not believe your own eyes. BLOOP VS SEA EATER Get ready to be amazed! Legendary Sea Monsters Size Comparison 3D created, research and edited by Metavine Labs. Thank you for your support. We hope you enjoy this video and find it informative and engaging.    / @metavinelabs   #bloop #elgranmaja #seaeater