Tranquil Dreams: Guided Meditation for a Deep Restful Night's Sleep | Relaxation #shorts
Master Life Coach l Author l Mom Welcome to "Tranquil Dreams: Guided Meditation for a Deep Night's Sleep"! This before sleep meditation aims to guide you towards a tranquil state of mind, promoting a restful and rejuvenating night's sleep. By practicing this meditation regularly, you can create a serene bedtime routine that will help you unwind, let go of daily stressors, and prepare your mind and body for a deep slumber. In this guided meditation session, our experienced instructor will gently lead you through a series of relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and soothing visualizations. You will be encouraged to release any tension or racing thoughts, allowing your mind to find peace and serenity. As you embark on this journey towards a profound state of relaxation, you'll notice a profound shift in your sleep quality, waking up feeling refreshed and revitalized. Research has shown that practicing meditation before sleep can positively impact our sleep patterns, reducing insomnia symptoms and promoting a restorative night's rest. By incorporating this before sleep meditation into your nightly routine, you'll cultivate a habitual practice that supports overall well-being, promotes deeper sleep cycles, and improves your overall sleep quality. Recite these affirmations from the video whenever you need a boost in your emotions, confidence, happiness, prosperity and energy. Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel: / kobijulian for more positive affirmations, shorts, guided meditation to help you achieve, health, wealth, and happiness. As with anything else, meditation requires practice, so if you're new to it or to implementing positive affirmations, please be gentle and patient with yourself. The act of trying this out itself is amazing, and I only wish you the best. Utilize these uplifting affirmations on a daily basis to rewire your subconscious and turn your aspirations into reality- and you could feel more at peace, in tune with yourself, courageous, beautiful, confident, impactful, positive, bold, accepting, forgiving, brave, happy, peaceful, real, successful, kind, loved, loving, present, wealthy, forgiving, joyful, wise, connected, grounded, powerful, fearless, patient, understanding, abundant, kind, healthier, wealthier, prosperous, and more wholesome and complete. You might also attract more abundance into your life and feel a little more in tune with God and the universe. If you enjoy Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks, Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, Marianne Williamson, Joe Dispenza, Osho, Claude M. Bristol, Nikola Tesla, Alan Watta, Jose Silva, Paramahansa Yogananda, SRF, The Secret, Jay Shetty, Louise Hay, Tony Robins, Thich Nhat Hanh, Deepak Chopra, Vipassana, Law of Attraction, Manifestation, The Power of Now or Neale Donald Walsch you might enjoy these affirmations. Use these powerful affirmations as a mantra every day for maximum results. If you don’t want to miss a video, click here to subscribe / kobijulian Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Meditation is generally considered to be safe for people in good health. According to research, meditating can help lower blood pressure, IBS symptoms, anxiety, sadness, and sleeplessness. Based on scientific research, meditation has the capacity to alter the brain and body physically, alleviate certain health issues, and promote good lifestyle choices. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that meditation can slow down, postpone, or even reverse changes brought on by aging in the brain. Don't use meditation as a substitute for medical attention or as an excuse to put off visiting a doctor for a health issue. Avoid meditating when handling heavy machinery or while driving. Should you encounter any unexpected discomfort, either physical or mental, stop using the product right away. Rare findings have suggested that meditation may either exacerbate or create symptoms in those suffering from anxiety and depression, among other psychiatric issues. Before beginning meditation, those with pre-existing mental health disorders should consult with their medical professionals. And I wish you health, wealth and happiness. To your inner brilliance and magnificence! Thanks for watching. Subscribe: / @kobijulian Creator: @kobijulian Editor: Teo Marks Music: https://uppbeat.io/t/brandon-hopkins/... License code: 2IPSV3DJNFXWHXGZ #guidedmeditation #deepsleep #tranquildreams #meditation #relaxation #yogainspiration #selfcare #mindfulness #wellness #sleepaid #sleepbetter #calming #peacefulmind #bedtime #selflove #mindbodyspirit #stressrelief #relaxationtechniques #mindset #nighttimemeditation