City Council Meeting for November 28, 2023
1. CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, ROLL CALL, APPROVAL OF AGENDA. 2. CONSENT AGENDA The listing under "Consent Agenda" is a group of items to be acted on with a single motion and vote. This agenda is designed to expedite the handling of limited routine matters by City Council. Either the public or a Councilmember may request that an item may be removed from the Consent Agenda at that time, prior to Council's vote. The Mayor will ask if a citizen or Councilmember wishes to have any specific item removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. a. Approval of the Work Session and Agenda Minutes for November 14, 2023 b. Approval of the Expenditure List for November 28, 2023 c. Approval of a renewal Fermented Malt Beverage and Wine Liquor License for Walmart Inc., DBA Walmart Store No. 0966, located at 1835 East Main Street, Cortez. d. Approval of a renewal Tavern Liquor License for Cortez Veterans Inc., DBA Cortez Veterans, located at 320 North Harrison Street, Cortez. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There is no limit to the number of speakers, although public comments will be held to an overall time limit of 30 minutes. (Speakers have a time limit of three (3) minutes per person, may only speak once, and may not cede time to another commenter. Please reference rules below .) 4. PRESENTATIONS a. City of Cortez Employee Golf Tournament Presentation to the Girls and Boys High School Golf Team b. 2023 October Financial Statements 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS a. 2024 Cortez Community Support Grants Awards for the 2024 Cortez Community Support Grant Presenter: Drew Sanders, City Manager b. 2024 Joint Chemical Bid Council will consider awarding the 2024 Chemical bid to the Various entities, according to the bid results. Presenter: Rick Smith, Director of General Services c. Resolution No. 28, Series 2023 Resolution No. 28, Series 2023, a resolution supporting the application for a grant between the City of Cortez and the State of Colorado, acting by and through the State Historical Society, also known as the Colorado Historical Society. Presenter: Scott Baker, Grants Administrator for Historic Preservation Board d. Request for Council Ratification Regarding an IGA with CDOT for Safe Routes to School Grant Request for Council ratification of an IGA with CDOT regarding a grant award. Presenter: Drew Sanders, City Manager e. Appointment to City Advisory Boards Appointment one new member to the Cortez Arts Advisory Board and one new member to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Presenter: Linda Smith, City Clerk f. Cancelation of December 26, 2023, Council Meeting Cancellation of December 26, 2023, Council meeting due to the holidays. Presenter: Linda Smith, City Clerk 8. DRAFT RESOLUTION/ORDINANCES 9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT 10. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT 11. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Mayor's Report on Workshop b. Other Board Reports 12. OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS a. Executive Session as needed. 13. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There is no limit to the number of speakers and no overall time limit. (Speakers have a time limit of three (3) minutes per person, may only speak once, and may not cede time to another commenter. Please reference rules below .) 14. ADJOURNMENT