Study in Germany in 2025 I Bachelors and Masters in Germany

Study in Germany in 2025 I Bachelors and Masters in Germany

"Are you planning to study abroad in 2025? Germany has become one of the top destinations for international students, but is it still worth it? In this video, we dive into discussing the current situation, challenges students face, and why students could consider Germany for their higher education. Fintiba Blocked Account: Use Our Code: FOREIGNKIDUNIYA89 to get 89 Euro Cashback Make it in Germany: In Demand Professions Foreign Kraft registration form: #studyingermany #mastersingermany #fintibablockedaccount _____________________________ 📌My name is Komal and I am working and living in Germany since more than 7 yrs. Through our YouTube channel, I am Sharing real life experiences of living in Germany/Europe. I hope the experiences shared on this channel helps you to understand how life abroad is and to make decision if you would like to move for Study or Job. 😊👍🏻 ❤️I really appreciate your love and support❤️. Thank you for showing so much love on all videos by liking , sharing and subscribing to the channel. 😊🙏🏻 ✅To contact me or Schedule a video call with me, for German course links , Full guided course to study and to find job In Germany - please check this below link 👇🏻 📌Link to all details : You can also follow me to see everyday videos and conversations on Instagram ✅Instagram:   / foreign_ki_duniya   👇🏻Important Links: Germany Information:    • Germany information   Study In Germany:    • Study in Germany   Jobs in Germany:    • Jobs in Germany   Shopping in Germany:    • Shopping in Germany   Vlogs:    • Vlogs   Food in Germany:    • Food   You can follow me on:👇🏻 Instagram:   / foreign_ki_duniya   #workingermany #jobsingermany #opportunitycard #germanyinformation #germanyjobs #studentlifeingermany #indianstudentingermany #germanylifestyle #foodingermany #travelineurope #europetravel