Illustrator - Add a Vector Texture to Text - Vectorize a texture and add it to text
Illustrator - Add a Vector Texture to Text - Vectorize a texture and add it to text In this video you will learn to import a bitmap texture into Illustrator and to vectorize it. Then you will take the texture and add it to text. In this case the text won't be live or editable and the actual letter forms will be created from small pieces of vecture texture shapes. SKILLSHARE AND UDEMY COUPONS Skillshare.com (all classes) ► https://www.skillshare.com/r/user/hel... Udemy course - Adobe Illustrator Pattern Making Masterclass ► https://www.udemy.com/course/make-pat... Udemy course - Adobe Illustrator for Photoshop Users ► https://www.udemy.com/course/illustra... Udemy course - Create Whimsical Art in Adobe Illustrator ► https://www.udemy.com/course/create-w... Udemy course - Adobe Illustrator Text Effects Masterclass ► https://www.udemy.com/course/master-t... Udemy course - Adobe Illustrator for Non-Artists ► https://www.udemy.com/course/adobe-il... Udemy course - Make Creative Assets in Adobe Illustrator Masterclass ► https://www.udemy.com/course/make-cre... Udemy course – Adobe Illustrator Advanced Pattern Techniques Masterclass ► https://www.udemy.com/course/adobe-il... Udemy course - From Drawing to Pattern in Adobe Illustrator - a Masterclass ► https://www.udemy.com/course/from-dra... Udemy Course: Pattern Making in Adobe Illustrator CC - A masterclass https://www.udemy.com/course/pattern-... VIEW MORE VIDEOS JUST LIKE THIS ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL Subscribe ► http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... TIP ME TO SAY THANK YOU? ► paypal.me/projectwoman VISIT PROJECTWOMAN.COM FOR MORE ON PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR & LIGHTROOM Website ► http://www.projectwoman.com Blog ► http://www.projectwoman.com/phototips SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL MAILING LIST http://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.... LET'S CONNECT! Facebook ► / projectwoman Twitter ► / helenbradley LinkedIn ► / helenbradley IF YOU LIKED THIS VIDEO YOU MAY LIKE THESE SIMILAR VIDEOS: Illustrator - Cut Lines from a Shape ► • Illustrator - Cut Lines from a Shape Cut out an object in Illustrator CC - cut an object from its background leaving it transparent ► • Cut out an object in Illustrator CC -... Illustrator - Align objects side by side ► • Illustrator - Align objects side by side Illustrator - Calculating File Dimensions and Resolution ► • Illustrator - Calculate File Dimensio... Illustrator - Create a Textured Pattern ► • Illustrator - Textured Pattern - Cre... Illustrator - Blend Tool 101 ► • Illustrator - Blend Tool 101 - Make a... Illustrator - Built in Halftone Patterns ► • Illustrator - Built in Halftone Patte... Illustrator - Rotate Move Scale a Pattern with Ease ► • Illustrator - Rotate Move Scale a Pat... Illustrator - Expand Appearance, Transformations and Strokes - Problems and solutions ► • Illustrator - Expand Appearance, Tran... Illustrator - Recolor Complex Objects Easily - What to do when changing Fill or Stroke doesn't work ► • Illustrator - Recolor Complex Objects... Illustrator - Blends with Multiple Shape objects - Fixing Blends that Fail ► • Illustrator - Blends with Multiple Sh... Illustrator - White Lines in Pattern Swatches for Spoonflower - Solutions and explanations ► • Illustrator - White Lines in Pattern ... Multi Layer SVG from Illustrator for Cricut Design Space ► • Multi Layer SVG from Illustrator for ... Illustrator - Save as JPG or PNG - How to Export Bitmaps from Illustrator ► • Illustrator - Save as JPG or PNG - Ho... Illustrator - Make a hole in a shape - fill the outside of an object ► • Illustrator - Make a hole in a shape ... Illustrator - Sample Swatches from Photos ► • Illustrator - Swatches from Photos Neumorphism Effect in Illustrator - Create a Reusable Dimensional Style ► • Neumorphism Effect in Illustrator - C... Illustrator - Fill a Shape with a Vector Texture - DIY Vector Texture ► • Illustrator - Fill a Shape with a Vec... #helenbradley #illustratortutorial #AdobeIllustrator