Kids home remedy for Cough & Cold
Most households in the Kongu belt use this home remedy for cough and cold because of the health benefits of each of these leaves as listed below. ❇️Benefits of Kapooravalli leaves: One of the best home remedies for cough and cold is to drink karpooravalli juice. The presence of high amounts of carvacrol, and thymol, both excellent expectorants, helps in treating cold, sore threat, cough, and asthma. •The anti-viral properties of Karpooravalli are effective against VSV, HSV1 and HIV. ❇️Benefits of Tulsi leaves: R Tulsi is rich in Vitamin C and zinc. It thus acts as a natural immunity booster and keeps infections at bay. • It has immense anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties which protect us from a variety of infections. Tulsi leaves extract increases the T helper cells and natural killer cells activity, boosting the immune system. ❇️Benefits of Betel leaves: Consuming betel leaf helps to flush out the toxins that further restores the normal pH levels of the stomach and hence, increases appetite. • Betel leaves consumption helps in relieving acute chest congestion and cough & cold because of its antibiotic properties. They also reduce inflammation caused due to coughing. Disclaimer: This is not an alternative to any medicine prescribed by your doctor for the same. VRIKSHAM PREGNANCY CARE EDUCATION https://www.vriksham.in / anupama.vriksham / vriksham / anupamavriksham #Shorts #VrikshamPregnancyCareEducation #VrikshamPregnancyTalks #Vriksham #Anupama #PregnancyAdvice #PregnancyTips #WomenEmpowerment #PregnancyEmpowerment #PregnancyCareEducation #WomenHealth #PregnancyHealth #PregnancyCare #Pregnancy #Pregnant #Health #Motherhood #Mother #Women #Empowerment #Education #PregnancyEducation #pregnancycare #healthbenefits #momlife #motherhood #family #parenthood #dailyparenting #postivevibes #momsofinstagram #motherhoodrising #motherhoodthroughinstagram #motherhoodunplugged #mamalife #momfluencer #momvlogger #twosons #memoirsofmotherhood #parenthoodmoments #parenthoodunplugged #momentsinmotherhood #mumofboys #motherhoodjourney #mommyhood #myfamily #lifemoments #mymotherhoodjourney #familyiseverything