Ritual to open your path and attract money

Ritual to open your path and attract money

If you feel like your paths have been blocked, holding back your financial success and keeping prosperity out of reach, here is a powerful ritual to free yourself from that negative energy. You will need a nail or a needle, and three garlic cloves. One by one, pierce each clove with the nail while saying these words with conviction: "I push away the evil and envy of those who have closed off my path. Today, I return all their malice to its source, and in its place, I welcome prosperity, opportunities, and endless abundance into my life. So mote it be." Next, place the garlic cloves on a sheet of aluminum foil, add salt, and wrap the foil toward yourself, focusing on drawing in positive energy. Put the wrapped bundle under your bed and leave it there for three days. Afterward, place it in a bag and discard it far from your home. This protective amulet will trap all envy and negativity, leaving you feeling lighter and more in harmony. Soon, you will begin to notice new opportunities opening up and abundance flowing into your life. Stay faithful and trust the process, this ritual is your first step toward clearing obstacles and unlocking your path to success.