Difference Between Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure |Capital & Revenue Expenditure | CBSE

Difference Between Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure |Capital & Revenue Expenditure | CBSE

In this video we learn The differences between capital expenditures and revenue expenditures include whether the purchases will be used over the long-term or short-term. Capital expenditures (CAPEX) are funds used by a company to acquire, upgrade, and maintain physical assets such as property, buildings, or equipment. Capital expenditures are typically one-time large purchases of fixed assets that will be used for revenue generation over a longer period. Revenue expenditures are typically referred to as ongoing operating expenses, which are short-term expenses that are used in running the daily business operations. KEY TAKEAWAYS Capital expenditures (CAPEX) are funds used by a company to acquire, upgrade, and maintain physical assets such as equipment. Capital expenditures are typically one-time large purchases of fixed assets that will be used for revenue generation over a longer period. Revenue expenditures are the ongoing operating expenses, which are short-term expenses used to run the daily business operations. Revenue Expenditures Revenue expenditures are short-term expenses used in the current period or typically within one year. Revenue expenditures include the expenses required to meet the ongoing operational costs of running a business, and thus are essentially the same as operating expenses (OPEX). Revenue expenditures also include the ordinary repair and maintenance costs that are necessary to keep an asset in working order without substantially improving or extending the useful life of the asset. Revenue expenses related to existing assets include repairs and regular maintenance as well as repainting and renewal expenses. Revenue expenditures can be considered to be recurring expenses in contrast to the one-off nature of most capital expenditures. #sanjeevgiri #studyclub24x7 #amitgupta #rakeshpandey #cbseboard #accountsclass11 #livestream #rakeshpandey #cbsedatesheet #cbsedatesheet2021 #cbsedatesheet2023 #exams Types of Revenue Expenditures Other examples of revenue expenditures include the following: Salaries and employee wages Any overhead expense, such as salaries for the corporate office, which typically fall under selling, general, and administrative expenses (SG&A) Research and development (R&D) Utilities and Rent Business travel Property taxes capital expenditure and revenue expenditure capital budget and revenue budget in hindi difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure capital and revenue receipts and expenditure capital and revenue receipts and expenditure in tamil capital and revenue receipts and expenditure in tamil class 11 capital and revenue receipts and expenditure by siraj shaikh capital and revenue budget basic terms of accounting basic terms of accounting pdf mcq on basic terms of accounting basic terms of accounting class 11 all basic terms of accounting explain any 10 basic terms of accounting explain basic terms of accounting basic terms of accounting class 11 notes basic terms of accounting in hindi basic terms of accounting ppt basic terms of accounting notes basic terminologies of agricultural accounting what basic accounting equation basic accounting explained evolution of accounting and basic accounting terms basic terms of financial accounting apkupload.in what are the basic terms of accounting class 11 what are accounting terminology basic terms of accounting class 11 mcq basic terms of accounting in malayalam pdf basic terms of accounting entity basic terms of accounting class 11 in hindi basic terms of accounting class 12 basic terms of cost accounting important terms of cost accounting basic terminologies and accounting concepts terms of accounting class 11 notes of basic accounting terms class 11 basic terms and concepts of accounting conclusion of basic accounting terms notes of ch basic accounting terms class 11 explain difference terms and basic concepts of financial accounting definitions of basic accounting terms what does a/d mean in accounting what are the basic accounting terms what is accounting in layman's terms what is dol in accounting key terms in accounting equation what is basic accounting system example of basic accounting terms what is e- accounting basic terms for accounting basic terms of financial accounting what does u and f mean in accounting what is b/f and c/f in accounting glossary of basic accounting terms what is g and a in accounting our other social media platforms where you can directly chat with us and send your quires Our Experimental Channel :-    / @studyclubexperiments1850   Facebook Page I'D -   / study-club-24x7-106592565313096   Telegram I'D - https://t.me/Studyclub24x7 Follow us on Instagram! - https://instagram.com/study_club24x7?...