Soybean Milk Noodles | Korean Kongguksu 외국인이 만든 콩국수 Easy Homemade Korean Recipes #korea #집밥 #요리

Soybean Milk Noodles | Korean Kongguksu 외국인이 만든 콩국수 Easy Homemade Korean Recipes #korea #집밥 #요리

Learn how to make Korean Black Kongguksu; noodles covered with soup made of black bean, toasted black sesame seeds, and peanut butter Savory and full of protein, it is both healthy and delicious I have lived in Korea for nearly half my life and I am sharing some of my favorite Korean recipes, as well as trying out some new ones I post videos every week and today we are cooking Black Soy Bean Kongguksu 150g Black Beans 검은콩 1T Peanut Butter 땅콩 버터 150g Corn Noodles 옥수수국수 2T Black Sesame Seeds 검은 참깨 1T Sesame Seeds 참깨 1tsp Salt 소금 1/2 Tomato 토마토 1/2 Cucumber 오이