Ten Little Fruits Jumping On The Bed | Nursery Rhymes | Children Songs | @KidPreps
Ten Little Fruits Jumping On The Bed | Nursery Rhymes | Children Songs | @KidPreps #kidpreps #cocomelon #supersimplesongs #tenlittlefruitsjumpingonthebed #fruits #10littlefruits #tenlittleveggies #tenlittle #tenlittlevegetablesjumping #nurseryrhymes #lullaby #KidPreps #rhymes #poems #singalongsongs #babysongs #childrensongs #numbersSong #songsforchildren #educationalVideos #kidstv #kidstv123 In the Video; Ten Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Apple fell down and bump his head Banana call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed Nine Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Banana fell down and bump his head Pear call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed Eight Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Pear fell down and bump his head Grapes call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed Seven Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Grapes fell down and bump his head Mango call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed Six Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Mango fell down and bump his head Orange call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed Five Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Orange fell down and bump his head Cherry call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed Four Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Cherry fell down and bump his head Kiwi call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed Three Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Kiwi fell down and bump his head Strawberry call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed Two Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Strawberry fell down and bump his head Papaya call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed One Little Fruits Jumping On the Bed Papaya fell down and bump his head Plum call the doctor and doctor said No more fruits jumping on the bed __________ ............ _________ @KidPreps @mrfruitnurseryrhymes @Hogi @ELFKidsVideos @kidstv @CoComelon @Bebefinn @lottyfriends @Lottylearns @rocknlearn @kiddosworldtv @DaveAndAva @MoonbugKids_CartoonsAndSongs @FinnyTheShark @LittleTreehouseNurseryRhymes @SuperSimpleSongs @LittleAngel @lullabybrahms @LooLooKids @LittleBabyBum *****