STRANGEST Animals In The World!

STRANGEST Animals In The World!

Check out the STRANGEST Animals In The World! From bizarre new species to some of the weirdest creatures living in the deep ocean, this top 10 list of odd and rare animals will amaze you! Subscribe For New Videos! Watch our "Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives!" video here:    • Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives!   Watch our "Most TERRIFYING Sea Monsters Ever!" video here:    • Most TERRIFYING Sea Monsters Ever!   Watch our "10 Sea Monsters ATTACKING A Boat!" video here:    • 10 Sea Monsters ATTACKING A Boat!   8. Antarctic Icefish The Antarctic icefish was first caught off the coast of Bouvet Island in 1927 by a biologist named Ditlef Rustad. He named it the crocodile fish due to its long, toothed snout and protruding jaw. The large-eyed species, which was white in some parts and transparent in others, had no scales. 7. Thorny Devil Like many other unique and dramatic species, the thorny devil is endemic to Australia. It lives mostly in the arid shrubland and desert of the central region of the country. It’s also known as the mountain devil, thorny lizard, thorny dragon, and moloch. It has all kinds of nicknames because it makes an impression on people! 6. Hagfish The next time you’re having a bad day, be glad you’re not a hagfish. They’re reputed for being the ugliest creatures in the sea. (Although it might be a tie between the hagfish and the blobfish, what do you think? Let me know in the comments!! The hagfish’s strange appearance isn’t the only mysterious thing about it. 5. Florida Softshell Turtle This is a mid-sized species native to the southeastern United States. It dwells in freshwater habitats, including ponds, lakes, swamps, marshes, and even drainage ditches. This mostly aquatic species is known for its efficient digging and tunneling skills, as well as its ability to move swiftly on land - for a turtle, that is. 4. Chevrotain The chevrotain, also called the mouse deer, resembles a strange mix of a deer, mouse, and pig- with super creepy fangs!!. However, it is technically none of the three. While the chevrotain shares a suborder with deer, it is not a “true deer,” and is classified as its own family, known as Tragulidae. 3. Ocean Sunfish Mola mola, known more commonly as the ocean sunfish, is the largest of all bony fish. Its appearance has been described as a “big, floating blob” that “seems like only half a fish.” It developed this bullet-like shape because its back fin never grows after birth, but folds into itself creating a rudder. 2. Gharial The gharial, also called the gavial, is related to crocodiles and alligators. It spends most of its time underwater and is only found in the rivers of northern India, and Nepal. This huge crocodilian grows between 12 and 15 feet long (3.6 m- 4.5 m) and weighs up to 2,000 pounds (907 kg). 1. Leafy Sea Dragon The leafy sea dragon can easily be mistaken for an aquatic plant, but it’s actually a fish. With leaf-like appendages that enable it to blend perfectly among the seaweed and kelp of its natural habitat, the leafy sea dragon is considered one of the most ornately camouflaged creatures on the planet. Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!