REVEILLON 2011 RIO DE JANEIRO - Copacabana Beach New Year's Fireworks Celebration

REVEILLON 2011 RIO DE JANEIRO - Copacabana Beach New Year's Fireworks Celebration

Reveillon 2011: The fireworks festival in Copacabana attracts 2 million people from all around the world every year. People watch the show from the buildings, the sidewalk, the beach... and the sea. The horizon is dotted with cruise ships sharing the joy. We added to the images the lovely song Yaya, composed and performed by our dear friend Aline Goffman. Yaya is a tribute to Yemanjá, the Deity of the Seas in the African-Brazilian Candomblé tradition. This video was shot with a camera (not a camcorder) and a very long monopod. Speak softly, and carry a big stick.