5 Min Yoga Flow in 20 Seconds - Live Pain Free in 🖐🏼

5 Min Yoga Flow in 20 Seconds - Live Pain Free in 🖐🏼

🖐🏼min can be the difference between pain & no pain… If you can’t take 5 minutes outta your day to close your eyes and breathe into your body, wyd?🤷🏼‍♀️ 🖐🏼Sorry not sorry. 5 minutes. 🖐🏼Before you scroll for 20, stretch for 5. And then if you still have pain, now you need to understand what’s causing it. Step 1: identify the location of pain. Step 2: practice stretches to relieve pain. But like ^^^^^^ step 2!!! 🖐🏼Do the work. Feel the results. Don’t do the work. Feel the results. The choice is yours. Of course I’m here to help, but help you help you first. Tough love. 🤍Full 5 min flow on my YouTube Channel. #yoga #yogainspiration #yogaflow #yogaeveryday #yogateacher #yogapractice #yogapose #yogaeverywhere #stretch #yogi #mobility #pain #painfree