Water deficit replacement in hypernatremia management

Water deficit replacement in hypernatremia management

Water deficit replacement is the mainstay treatment of hypernatremia but inadequate replacement is common in clinical practice leading to delays in the treatment of hypernatremia. In this video, we will discuss calculating the water deficit and adequately replacing the water deficit using free water, 5% dextrose (D5W), and 0.45 NS (Half normal saline). I will also discuss the difference between Acute and chronic hypernatremia and the clinical implications of that. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction and clinical example. 01:20 Hypernatremia and water deficit. 01:48 Insensible water losses. 02:08 Sensible water losses. 02:20 High sodium load and hypertonic solutions. 02:41 Ongoing water losses. 02:56 How to measure sensible water losses. 03:22 Water deficit calculation. 03:49 Correction rate in acute vs chronic hypernatremia. 04:42 Clinical example of hypernatremia. 08:04 How to monitor hypernatremia treatment. 08:38 Use of free water vs 5% dextrose solution vs half normal saline 09:54 Comparing free water vs 5% dextrose solution vs half normal saline 10:40 Volume resuscitation and hypernatremia 11:29 Acute hypernatremia. 12:14 The treatment of acute hypernatremia. 13:27 Clinical example of acute hypernatremia 14:00 Monitoring of acute hypernatremia treatment 14:14 Hypernatremia and critical hyperglycemia. Sign up for video summaries on substack using this link: https://substack.com/@rahamneh?utm_so... You can also sign up for PDF summaries using this link: https://mailchi.mp/7c3ed698f57b/2lqb8... Email: [email protected] My ebook "Inpatient diabetes management": https://rahamneh.gumroad.com/l/Inpati... My ebook "Antibiotics in Clinical Practice": https://rahamneh.gumroad.com/l/jmorlb Follow me on Instagram: rahamneh_md Follow me on TikTok: rahamnehmdbV91fHw Channels that watch our content, watch these channels also: ICU advantage ( @ICUAdvantage ) MedCram ( @Medcram ) Osmosis ( @osmosis ) MedicosisPerfectionalis ( @MedicosisPerfectionalis ) MednerdDrWaqasFazal @MedNerdDrWaqasFazal Rhesus medicine @rhesusmedicine