The Mandalorian | 3x8 Chapter 24: The Return - REACTION!

The Mandalorian | 3x8 Chapter 24: The Return - REACTION!

We have reached yet another season finale, and this was a really big one for Din, Grogu, Bo-Katan, and all the other Mandalorians. There were definitely some surprises along the way, both in terms of what we got but also what we didn't get. All in all it was a satisfying conclusion to a very entertaining season. For Mandalore! Remember this is not a substitute for watching the actual show. If you haven't seen it, please do so (available on Disney+) and then come back to the video afterwards. Want to support our channel? Patreon:   / katsonny   Donate directly: Twitter:   / katsonny   Facebook:   / katnsonny   Instagram:   / katandsonny   #starwars #themandalorian #season3 #episode8 #finale #reaction #review