Monthly current affairs 2025 | February month | Top questions | Bank | SSC | Defence | Jkssb |JKPSC

Monthly current affairs 2025 | February month | Top questions | Bank | SSC | Defence | Jkssb |JKPSC

Monthly current affairs 2025 | February month | Top questions | Bank | SSC | Defence | Jkssb | JKPSC Daily Current Affairs 2025| SSC GD Current Affairs 2025 | All SSC Exams Current Affairs || by Aquib Sir:-In this video, we will dive into Current Affairs 2025, focusing on Daily Current Affairs MCQs, Static GK Questions, and the latest current affairs for all exams. Aquib Sir will guide you through important news and updates that you need to know for your exams, such as SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, SSC GD, NTPC, RPF. ✦ Disclaimer ✦ These videos are for educational purposes. All images and video footage used is credited within the video but copyright remains with the original owners. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. This video is made solely with the purpose of spreading awareness and educating the viewers. The information demonstrated and explained in the video are true to the best of our team’s knowledge and research. Nevertheless, if any error is committed, the same was never intended to be and is absolutely unintentional. In the event of any inadvertent error, kindly email us at contact [email protected] (mail subject : FEEDBACK) for necessary action, to resolve any error/dispute amicably. This video is made solely with the purpose of spreading awareness and educating the viewers. The information demonstrated and explained in the video are true to the best of our team’s knowledge and research. Nevertheless, if any error is committed, the same was never intended to be and is absolutely unintentional. In the event of any inadvertent error, kindly email us at contact [email protected] (mail subject : FEEDBACK) for necessary action, to resolve any error/dispute amicably. Viewer’s discretion is advised w.r.t. the products/services of the sponsors advertised on our platforms. We do not claim any responsibility in any manner whatsoever regarding the product/services provided by the sponsors. Track : Between the space. Music provided by YouTube music studio Thanks for watching this video Aquib Gagroo (An Engineer cum MBA Graduate) from J&K (India) ‪‪​⁠‪​⁠‪ Email id:- [email protected] ​⁠​⁠‪@GagrooAquib‬ ​⁠​⁠‪@SuperseUparEducation‬ ​⁠​⁠‪@triplescosmos‬ ​⁠​⁠‪@unacademyupscprep‬ ​⁠​⁠‪@PW-Foundation‬ ​⁠​⁠‪@TheAspirants01‬ ​⁠​⁠‪@StudyIQEducationLtd‬